Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Miracle

She Has a Name....Scarlett Claire

So cute!  Can I just say that my Sister-In-Law Lyndsey are more alike than we knew.  When she was picking out names for this little cutie, she had two of my most favorite names on her list.  One I hoped she didn't pick more than the other (I may or may not have sent a panicked text her way hoping that wasn't one of her top 5).  She settled on Scarlett which is a recent favorite of mine.  My hubby didn't love it (who says he gets a say?) but it fits this BEAUTIFUL angel perfectly and I absolutely ADORE her name!  Well done, Lyndsey!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Carling Sisters

Alysha came home for about a month this year for Christmas.  She is busy working and going to school in New Jersey (Lucky Lady!)  I was more than happy to take her and Shay's pictures one frosty afternoon.....I just love doing portraits of beautiful people....

There is something moving about a classic black and white photo - they are always stunning.  Alysha thinks that they cover up ugly - but we all know she is just a little on the crazy side! :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

My Nameless Niece

Beautiful Baby Girl Richardson was born a week ago today, and as far as I know, she is still Nameless!

Ahhhh....decisions, decisions.......

I told you my sister in law was close to having her baby!  I'm glad we took her pictures while we did since she-who-has-yet-to-be-named came about 3 weeks early!

Well, here is a sneak peek of how BEAUTIFUL she is!  The rest of the pictures will be up shortly.  But I think I will hold them hostage until she is named.  Sorry, Lyndsey!

The Kehl Family

I was lucky enough to spend a Saturday afternoon with the Kehls up in the mountains freezing our tooshies off!  Ashley is one of my best friends that I met through work a few years ago.  We hang out with her and Joe all the time - we even inspired them to get a PUPPY!  We are currently working on giving them the same inspiration of having a baby - and with how cute Preslee is, you'd think they'd be workin' on it!  (Wink, Wink)  Her whole entire family is great - I feel like I've known them for years!  Maybe it's because I've already invited myself to both her sisters weddings before I even met them?  That's right, Ashley and I are obsessed (borderline) with weddings and have dreams of forming our own wedding planning/designing company one day!  OK....back to the pictures and the blog post.....

Anyways, they were super excited to have a few family pictures with the precious family dogs in them, because after all, they are family members too!  I was so honored to be able to capture these wonderful, 4 legged family members for them, too!

As always, I think I have the most photogenic clients around, so they make my pictures look beautiful - thanks you guys! :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Momma-To-Be Lyndsey!

That's right!  My gorgeous sister-in-law, Lyndsey, is about to be a mommy....for the 4th time!

She let me take her pictures right before Christmas.  We were running out of time as her due date is January 29th - but her babies have a track record of making their debut early.  I know, I know...I'm thinking the same thing you are....What???  That would make her like 8 almost 9 months pregnant in these pictures...No way!  Yes way!  No fair.....

Thank you Lyndsey for letting me drag you around Layton and make you walk and pose every which way you shouldn't when pregnant!  I had so much fun - and I still owe you hot chocolate!