Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Last One....Woodward Family Pictures | Oklahoma Family Photographer

Well, here it is.  Finally.  The last photo shoot I'll do in Utah for awhile - Don't worry - I'll be coming home in December and I'll have some spots open then------in Northern AND Southern Utah!  (((Gasp)))

What words can I say to describe this family?  Really, there aren't any.  I love this girl with all my heart and I miss her so much each and every single day.  She has called or text me nearly every single day since I got to Oklahoma just to see how I am doing.  She knows I am panicked over the crazy (to put it nicely) weather here and that I am home sick (SO BAD!).  Haylee, thank you for being my best friend...I love you!

For Ridge being pretty cranky this day, I think these pictures turned out pretty darned cute!  Maybe I'm bias.  Maybe not.  I love them...and I know his Momma loves them and that's all that matters!

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