Monday, November 17, 2014

A Tale of Two Sisters....| Utah Photographer | Oklahoma Photographer

These are my gorgeous nieces.  Maddy and Kaylee.  I love both of them so so much and doing shoots with them is so much fun.  Kaylee is goofy and Maddy is, well, Maddy.  My kids love them dearly and miss them so much.  I'm absolutely devastated I don't get to be around for all of their growing up.  I'm glad we were able to squeeze a session in and I was able to capture their adorableness! XOXOX


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Christensen's | Utah Family Photographer | Oklahoma Family Photographer

 This is yet another amazing family I know and I was so lucky to be able to photograph while I was visiting Utah in September.  Heidi has been wanting family pictures for awhile but had to wait for a missionary to come home first.  You guys rock and I am lucky to call you my friends!  Love you guys!

The Butlers | Utah Family Photographer | Oklahoma Family Photographer

 Taking pictures of this wonderful family will never get old.  I'm so glad that she chose me to take her pictures 3 ish years ago.....that day I gained one of my bestest friends.  Love you guys!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Last One....Woodward Family Pictures | Oklahoma Family Photographer

Well, here it is.  Finally.  The last photo shoot I'll do in Utah for awhile - Don't worry - I'll be coming home in December and I'll have some spots open then------in Northern AND Southern Utah!  (((Gasp)))

What words can I say to describe this family?  Really, there aren't any.  I love this girl with all my heart and I miss her so much each and every single day.  She has called or text me nearly every single day since I got to Oklahoma just to see how I am doing.  She knows I am panicked over the crazy (to put it nicely) weather here and that I am home sick (SO BAD!).  Haylee, thank you for being my best friend...I love you!

For Ridge being pretty cranky this day, I think these pictures turned out pretty darned cute!  Maybe I'm bias.  Maybe not.  I love them...and I know his Momma loves them and that's all that matters!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


My baby turned one...about a month and a half ago.  Things have been so completely crazy that I just got around to doing his pictures yesterday.  He is such a happy little guy and definitely the life of our party :)  Happy Birthday, Brecken!  We LOVE you!