Monday, February 13, 2012

Salt Lake City - Layton Photographer - Talan - 1 Year Old Pictures

My dear friend and college roommate came all the way up to see me to get pictures done!  ***Side Note - It still seems like yesterday that Jenn and I shared an apartment together with 3 other girls.  We are definitely NOT old enough to have kids - but since we do, I'm glad we are producing cute ones!...don't you agree, Jenn???***  Talan was such a trooper in the freezing cold weather.  Glad we decided to postpone the shoot for a day because on Tuesday it was snowing but by Wednesday it was sunny and at least the temperatures were tolerable!  Talan is one handsome little man and I'm so tickled I was lucky enough to capture his littleness at age one!  Jenn, you are going to have to keep him locked up when he is older - he is for sure going to be a heart breaker! :)

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