Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas...

Just a little bit of what I have been up to.....capturing memories of beautiful families!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Preslee, Age 2 | Utah Photographer

I took these back a couple of months ago and it's taken me this long to edit them...I guess that's the price I pay when I put my own edits off until last.

I enlisted the help of Angie and Shay to get her to smile and giggle and it worked like a charm.  I'm not really sure I will ever do a photoshoot of my own kids again without being prepared with their favorite people behind me! Noted.

It maybe be that I am a little bias because I am her mother and she is my Sweet P, but I happen to think she is gorgeous and I am one lucky Mama to be able to capture such radiance from her!  I love you, sweet girl!

Iverson Family | Salt Lake City - Layton Photographer

I was so happy when my college roomie wanted me to do her cute family pictures!  I haven't seen her since my reception night and I was just tickled knowing I'd get to spend 2 or so hours with her catching up, somewhat.  We still need to do lunch because I'm sure there is A LOT more to discuss and memories to bring back!  Her family is absolutely darling and her little boys eyes are to die for!

I'm glad the little guy would look at the camera, though.  I had to start making some pretty loud and obnoxious yells to get him to look my way and even then, I think he was just stunned!  All the other people just probably thought I was crazy. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Salt Lake City - Layton Family Photographer - Hatch Grandkids

My husbands Aunt Michelle asked me to do some pictures for them of their cute, cute grand kids!  Of course, I said yes, because they are just too cute not to have pictures taken of them and they are SO well behaved.  Seriously, I wish Preslee would look at the camera and smile - but that is another rant for another day :)

Check out how precious these pictures turned out in the awesome spring weather we have been having!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Salt Lake City - Layton Newborn Photographer - Collin

Collin arrived almost 3 weeks early (I think) but his Momma thought his due date was a little off because he was so awake and alert all the time - especially for the pictures!  We tried and tried to get him to go back to sleep but he was just not having posing for pictures un-swaddled or nearly at all.  But nonetheless they turned out adorable and I just love the pictures with him and his big sister!  She is such a better poser than my wild child! :)

 Such a studly picture!  With the reflection in his eye on the left the picture almost looks cartoonish!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Salt Lake City - Layton Photographer - Talan - 1 Year Old Pictures

My dear friend and college roommate came all the way up to see me to get pictures done!  ***Side Note - It still seems like yesterday that Jenn and I shared an apartment together with 3 other girls.  We are definitely NOT old enough to have kids - but since we do, I'm glad we are producing cute ones!...don't you agree, Jenn???***  Talan was such a trooper in the freezing cold weather.  Glad we decided to postpone the shoot for a day because on Tuesday it was snowing but by Wednesday it was sunny and at least the temperatures were tolerable!  Talan is one handsome little man and I'm so tickled I was lucky enough to capture his littleness at age one!  Jenn, you are going to have to keep him locked up when he is older - he is for sure going to be a heart breaker! :)