Friday, November 18, 2011

The Henrys

Before all of this started (meaning, me trying out photography) Kellie needed her pictures done and I told her I would take them.  I wanted to see if I was any good an if people, other than myself, liked my pictures!  She was nice enough to let me do them.  Her and Dan and born models, and their girls take after them for sure!  It's hard to capture little ones and get them to look at the camera but I think they turned out beautifully!

**Oh, and a special shout out to Jenna who came and set the mood for the pictures!  We couldn't have done it without you.  Literally.

The Other Felts - 8-22-11

My first OFFICIAL photo shoot (with someone other than my gorgeous baby) was with the "other" Felts.  I was so happy when Kim asked me to do her pictures!  I was so nervous - but I think they turned out fabulous but it doesn't hurt that all of my neices and nephew are beautiful to start out with  - and Kim is gorgeous, as always....but then there is Brandon.... :)

First Photo Shoot - EVER!

Lately I have been really getting into photography and I LOVE looking at other people pictures.  In my mind I always think, "oh, I would have done it this way" or "how can I re-create that and make it mine?"  So, I decided to have another creative outlet through photography.  I am absolutely LOVING it!

Meet Miss most of you know her!